Sunday 29 March 2015

The sights and sounds of a backyard in spring

<b> - <a href=''>A springtime favorite that's simple to grow</a></b><p>A springtime favorite that&#39;s simple to growAs we anticipate spring&#39;s slow emergence, we wonder at the colors that unfold. Sweet snowdrops poking their white heads above the late snow; swaths of purple crocuses naturalized in a lawn; golden witch hazel blossoms trumpeting the season; the green&nbsp;...</p><B>15 Things Girls With Acne Are Totally Sick Of Hearing</b><p>If you were trying to make me feel awkward by unnecessarily pointing out there&#39;s gross whiteheads on my face and making it horrifically clear that you&#39;re really disgusted distracted by it, you&#39;ve succeeded. Congratulations. 9. That chocolate is going ...</p><B>The sights and sounds of a backyard in spring</b><p>It&#39;s impossible to pick a favorite backyard species, but for me the northern cardinal is very near the top of the list. I caught him singing from the low scrub trees at the wood&#39;s edge one afternoon last week. Usually he serenades from a higher perch ...</p>

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