Thursday 26 March 2015

Air pollution and the body

<b> - <a href=''>The Techno</a></b><p>-These facials help to gently &amp; safely clean out the pores by removing black heads &amp; white heads, exfoliate the skin using active ingredients or latest equipments/machines to accelerated cellular turnover, smoothens the skin, reduces pores and stimulate ...</p><B>How To Treat Uneven Skin At Every Age</b><p>Unevenness at this age usually means acne &quot;like comedones [black/white heads] and open pores,&quot; says Dr Manoharan. What to do: Dr Manoharan recommends cleansing twice a day with a soap-free wash containing a low concentration of salicylic acid,&nbsp;...</p><B>Air pollution and the body</b><p>This may manifest as blackheads, whiteheads, red bumps, pus-filled bumps and acne cysts. 3. Air pollutants can reduce the production of collagen and elastic tissue in the skin, causing the skin to sag and lose elasticity. This leads to premature ageing ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p>

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