Monday 2 March 2015

Steam those pimples away

<b> - <a href=''>Does Natural Makeup Mean That My Glitter Eyeshadow Makes Me &quot;Unnatural?&quot;</a></b><p>What happens when you go out into the world donning your natural makeup, pull somebody in by looking like you&#39;ve been photoshopped, then wake up the next morning with your face on the pillow and three pimples clearly visible? Your previous night&#39;s&nbsp;...</p><B>Tips For Healthy Skin: 10 Myths About Skin Care That May Lead To Premature ...</b><p>The truth is the top layer of skin is dead, so it doesn&#39;t breathe. The term is wrongly used to describe skin when it is occluded due to pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads. Needless to say, whether you&#39;re a man or a woman, it can be difficult to ...</p><B>Steam those pimples away</b><p>If you are prone to the common mild acne (pimples), the biggest plus of steaming may be that your skin could end up clearer. That&#39;s because the moisture softens the surface layer of dead skin cells, says Sara Epenu, a dermatologist and beautician from ...</p>

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