Sunday 1 March 2015

Attack of the Student Hairdressers

<b> - <a href=''>Steam those pimples away</a></b><p>If you are prone to the common mild acne (pimples), the biggest plus of steaming may be that your skin could end up clearer. That&#39;s because the moisture softens the surface layer of dead skin cells, says Sara Epenu, a dermatologist and beautician from ...</p><B>Buffalo Opera Unlimited's artistic director put his passion to work</b><p>Buffalo Opera Unlimited&#39;s artistic director put his passion to workWhat they don&#39;t understand is that when you have something this phenomenal where people can go for $25 and see even the pimples on the performers&#39; faces, why should they spend $200 on a subscription to see live opera? Some opera companies have&nbsp;...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>Attack of the Student Hairdressers</b><p>My course would henceforth become a "study" period. Our last study unit was on the skin. I gave up my rigid adherence to the textbook and threw open the class to a question and answer format. At once hands went up. What to do about pimples? Blackheads?</p>

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