Sunday 1 March 2015

Beyoncé's Un

<b> - <a href=''>Does working out cause your skin to break out?</a></b><p>What good is a chiseled physique if it&#39;s covered in blackheads and puss-spewing pimples? Oh, and don&#39;t forget those huge cysts that feel like face-eating tumors.</p><B>Unfiltered photos show real beauty</b><p>Two celebrity photo shoots were leaked this week, and the Internet has practically broken over it. First, a photo of Cindy Crawford surfaced where she looks gorgeous in lingerie but also appears to have wrinkles and other textures associated with being a person.</p><B>Beyoncé&#39;s Un</b><p>This just in… Beyoncé is a human being. And, like other human beings, Beyoncé is, shock horror, not perfect. And you may want to sit down for this one… Beyoncé does not have perfect skin. Yes, she does have good skin days (just like other human beings) but sometimes she has breakouts. Spots. Pimples too. And Blemishes. Just like other human bein
gs. Well-known human being, Beyonce Knowles This ...</p>

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