Saturday 7 March 2015

From ugly spouses to corset issues: 300 years of agony aunts (and uncles)

<b> - <a href=''>Many treatments available for adult acne</a></b><p>They also help dislodge plugs from whiteheads and blackheads. Salicylic acid washes are available over-the-counter and by prescription, but the prescription versions aren&#39;t any stronger. Benzoyl peroxide gels, lotions and washes. These products dry and&nbsp;...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>Why Do You Keep Getting Pimples In the Same Spots?</b><p>Now, we&#39;re not taking things that far, but those same blackheads between your arches could mean you need to rethink your brow waxing appointments. We spoke with Kerry Wall, the brand manager and esthetician for The Organic Pharmacy in NYC, to get a&nbsp;...</p><B>From ugly spouses to corset issues: 300 years of agony aunts (and uncles)</b><p>The introduction of the Pill, abortion, safe sex, the existence of the G-spot and homosexuality all preoccupied readers. Teenagers had agony aunts of their own in magazines such as Jackie, who offered advice on a range of topics from blackheads to ...</p>

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