Sunday 20 July 2014

What were you thinking? Readers tell us

<b> - <a href=''>Lessons we are all still in need of learning</a></b><p>Zits? They never fully disappear. A hometown? It can unexpectedly be anywhere from Angola, Indiana, to Angola the country. Time? It keeps speeding up parallel to aging. Toilet paper? It&#39;s more important than having food in the house. Another lesson ...</p><B>In your face, literally</b><p>Repeated breakouts on your face just means that you need to take better care of your skin, right? Wrong! Instep introduces you to the ancient Chinese art of &#39;Mien Shiang&#39; or &#39;face mapping&#39; – learn what&#39;s going on in your body just by the location of ...</p><B>What were you thinking? Readers tell us</b><p>This editor is decidedly north of 40, but he still counts Dilbert and Pearls Before Swine in his Top 5 daily strips in this newspaper – along with Baby Blues, Zits and Pickles. Those final three represent a nice progression – family life inv
olving ...</p>

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