Saturday 12 July 2014

Beauty Bible beauty clinic: My face is covered in white spots (milia)

<b> - <a href=''>The Sentinel published Tried &amp; Tested: Beauty gadgets that live up to the hype</a></b><p>If you want to get serious about your skincare and beauty regime then it may be time to invest in some technology. However, as we all know, many products don&#39;t live up to their hype and if you&#39;re spending your money you want to know you&#39;re getting the results you&#39;re paying for. Mary-ann Astle picks out some of the best high-tech beauty products that are worth every penny... Magnitone Pulsar If ...</p><B>What&#39;s not to love in spa treatments for men?</b><p>Well, add another item to the list of things I&#39;d have told you as a 20-something you&#39;d never catch me doing. That would include singing along to a Hall and Oates&#39; song, owning a pair of Crocs, tearing up watching a RomCom and being more concerned about a car&#39;s fuel consumption figure than its horsepower number.</p><B>Beauty Bible b
eauty clinic: My face is covered in white spots (milia)</b><p>In the past couple of years (I am 54) I&#39;ve noticed that the pores on my chin and some round my nose have little white plugs. They&#39;re not whiteheads (although some do develop into them). If I draw my fingernail along the skin, they stand slightly proud of the skin and can sometimes be removed with tweezers.</p>

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