Wednesday 9 July 2014

Angelina Jolie 'drug' video isn't shocking it's an inspiration to us all, 15 years on

<b> - <a href=''>Avoid fungal infections during monsoons</a></b><p>Keep oily skin clean: If you have dry skin and have visible whiteheads or blackheads, try to minimise oil secretion from the skin by using water based moisturisers, cleansers and by applying citrus face packs. Drinking a lot of water also helps in ...</p><B>Facials for different skin types during monsoon</b><p>The oil secretion and sweat are deposited on the skin and trap dirt and bacteria, giving rise to blackheads, whiteheads, breakouts and sometimes painful pimples. An oil-controlling deep cleanser that cleans the pores and controls the oil secretion is ...</p><B>Angelina Jolie &#39;drug&#39; video isn&#39;t shocking it&#39;s an inspiration to us all, 15 years on</b><p>We don't like our gods to be human. We like them to be astonishingly beautiful, like David Gandy or Brad Pitt. We like them not to have wobbly bits. We like them to be morally perfect, lik
e Kylie, or morally fascinating, like Madonna.</p>

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