Wednesday 2 July 2014

"Culture Free Tour" offers tours around Riga

<b> - <a href=''>Beauty Call: No nonsense, no wipes – the Caroline Hirons school of skin regimes</a></b><p>Not on your life: face wipes should have a label attached: "Don&#39;t be a lazy cow." They are only to be used for "fannies, festivals or flights". Stop obsessing and imagining blackheads: Can&#39;t understand why you still have blackheads into your 30s and ...</p><B>The 11 Beauty Essentials You Need in Your 20s</b><p>Life in your 20s is complicated; your calendar is full but your bank account is probably empty, and while you&#39;d love to have the time to treat yourself, it&#39;s basically impossible to pencil it all in. We can&#39;t condone &quot;shopping&quot; Paris Hilton &#39;s beauty cabinet (ahem, Emma Watson Nicki), so we thought we&#39;d break down the products millennials like yourselves actually need. These 11 essentials will ...</p><B>&quot;Culture Free Tour&quot; offers tours around Riga</b><p>The
route includes various sights – Art Academy of Latvia, Art Nouveau district, Kronvalda park, Old Town of Riga, Dome Square, House of the Blackheads, and many other interesting places in Riga. &quot;Riga Culture Free Tour&quot; was established with an aim to&nbsp;...</p>

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