Monday 7 July 2014

Shakespeare Is Why You Hate Zits

<b> - <a href=''>Confessions of a confused twenty</a></b><p>-Then there&#39;s me, behind this desk, with an itchy butt, and still pondering what exactly do I want to do while I pop these imaginary zits that seem to cloud my thoughts and perspectives. The obvious problem is not knowing what I want. Or possibly ...</p><B>Aspirin solves 'headaches' of all kinds</b><p>Aspirin solves &#39;headaches&#39; of all kindsZap your zits. Again, make a paste of a crushed aspirin tablet and water, let it sit on the pimple for a few minutes, then rinse off. That salicylic acid will tone down the redness. (Note: Don&#39;t be tempted to leave this treatment on the pimple ...</p><B>Shakespeare Is Why You Hate Zits</b><p> – The makers of Neutrogena may have Shakespeare to thank for their success: The influence of his work has left us grossed out by pimples and other skin conditions. So say dermatologists in a new study that notes how much hi
s plays focus on bad&nbsp;...</p>

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