Saturday 28 February 2015

What To Expect from Your First Facial

<b> - <a href=''>Attack of the Student Hairdressers</a></b><p>My course would henceforth become a "study" period. Our last study unit was on the skin. I gave up my rigid adherence to the textbook and threw open the class to a question and answer format. At once hands went up. What to do about pimples? Blackheads?</p><B>Acne—Setting the Record Straight</b><p>Deep pore-cleansing facials are not designed for severe acne, but rather removing blackheads and other impurities. They are designed for people with oily skin or those who have mild acne. What to do? See a licensed esthetician/​physician. Only a ...</p><B>What To Expect from Your First Facial</b><p>In order for your aesthetician to determine what&#39;s best for your skin, she&#39;ll more than likely ask about your concerns (think blackheads or dryness), along with things like diet and lifestyle. This will give her a picture of not only the state of your ...</p>

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