Saturday 28 February 2015

Eagle County’s best ‘tween’ activities

<b> - <a href=''>Steam those pimples away</a></b><p>If you are prone to the common mild acne (pimples), the biggest plus of steaming may be that your skin could end up clearer. That&#39;s because the moisture softens the surface layer of dead skin cells, says Sara Epenu, a dermatologist and beautician from ...</p><B>Courtney Love Fails to Thwart Defamation Lawsuit</b><p>Courtney Love's attempts to dismiss her defamation lawsuit were thwarted on Thursday, when an appellate judge ruled the entertainer could indeed be sued, as she was less popular than Marlon Brando and her case lacked First Amendment implications.</p><B>Eagle County's best 'tween' activities</b><p>Tweens can learn tricks and tips at Beaver Creek&#39;s Rail Jam Playground, located near McCoy's, every Wednesday and Saturday from 4 to 5:30 p.m.</p>

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