Sunday 1 February 2015

On Centre | Around Philipsburg: Whiteheads hope to help others fighting cancer

<b> - <a href=''>Acne : ask the expert</a></b><p>Of late, I noticed very visible blackheads too... I am too young for facials etc says my mother. What should I do? It is tough to stay away from fried foods. And I love sweets and burgers etc. Will stopping to eat these foods make a difference to my ...</p><B>KLAFTER: Everyone should have acne</b><p>I&#39;m not talking about the occasional pimple or small patch of blackheads. I mean the acres of raw and red cauliflower heads of pus. I mean the painful infiltration of an innocent dermis by orc-like blemishes. The noticeable, impossible-to-cover-up zits ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>On Centre | Around Philipsburg: Whiteheads hope to help others fighting cancer</b><p>It has been four years and eight months since a 5-year-old bundle of purple-wearing, butterfly-loving fun from Philipsburg was diagnosed with cancer. Click to Continue »</p>

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