Wednesday 4 February 2015

Theater Review: A Beautiful Day in November on the Banks of the Greatest of the Great Lakes

<b> - <a href=''>A FIFTH of acne sufferers have considered suicide</a></b><p>The condition is caused by a combination of comedones - blackheads and whiteheads - and pus-filled spots, or pustules. Those afflicted usually notice the first signs during puberty. The severity can range from a few spots on the face, neck, back and ...</p><B>Five beauty myths dispelled</b><p>Blackheads are formed when there&#39;s a build up of sebum and oil in pores, and the surface oxidises, turning them black. Strips won&#39;t work because blackheads are mostly below the surface of the skin and won&#39;t adhere to the strip. What does stick is ...</p><B>Theater Review: A Beautiful Day in November on the Banks of the Greatest of the Great Lakes</b><p>A brief pause in the drumbeat of new openings left me time last week to catch up with two Off Broadway plays I'd missed earlier in January. Both had gotten mixed reviews — not just varied but ambi
valent; they also had short running times (like most new plays) and long ... More »</p>

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