Friday 16 January 2015

Zits on a Plane! How Do You Make Them Stop?

<b> - <a href=''>​The Reluctant Man's Guide To Shaving Your Legs</a></b><p>​The Reluctant Man&#39;s Guide To Shaving Your LegsThey looked like zits, but they itched and burned like insect bites. They were absolutely miserable, especially walking around in jeans, which feel like they&#39;re made of sandpaper when you have razor bumps. Razor bumps are essentially ingrown hairs.and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>The Reluctant Man&#39;s Guide To Shaving Your Legs</b><p>Though it may be hard to picture, there may come a day when you will have to shave your hairy, manly legs. Maybe you want to see if you can cut some time off your 200m breaststroke. Maybe all your serious cycling buddies are doing it. Maybe you want to look especially fabulous for your company&#39;s annual drag cabaret. We&#39;re not here to judge; we&#39;re just here to help. Read more...</p><B>Zits on a Plane! How Do You Make Them Stop?</b><p>Even your skin gets st
ressed on the plane. (Photo: Image Source/Digital Vision/Getty Images). I am a grown woman well into my 30s. Yet every time I get off a plane, I look like that pizza-faced kid in the old Stridex commercials. What gives? I have a ...</p>

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