Thursday 29 January 2015

3 Essential Elements Needed to Turn Content Consumers Into Customers

<b> - <a href=''>Weirdest Beauty Routines</a></b><p>(MENAFN - Muscat Daily) These are strange unusual beauty tips passed on by family friends and our dearest Pinterest. Do they work or just have a placebo effect I think they&#39;re defi...</p><B>Bookie Tom Waterhouse paid over the odds for a Balmoral beachfront home</b><p>Model Kendall Jenner has a big problem: Not only does she have acne, but Momager Kris is pushing her to sign a contract with Proactiv against her will. Will this situation push Kendall over the edge and will she finally fire her Momager? See it all here!and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>3 Essential Elements Needed to Turn Content Consumers Into Customers</b><p>Why is it that companies can spend hours upon hours investing in content creation, only to have their efforts fall flat with the audiences they&#39;re trying to reach?</p>

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