Tuesday 13 January 2015

These scientists raised bot fly larvae in their own bodies — on purpose

<b>http://tinyurl.com/d5zroww - <a href='http://tinyurl.com/d5zroww'>Prom Salon Makeover</a></b><p>Prom is here and you need a makeover. This game is super fun in which you can prepare models so that they can look better. With fashion...</p><B>Kurt Cobain Suicide Note Shirts: Actually a Thing People Are Wearing</b><p>Last April, Cobain&#39;s suicide note went viral, most notably because it blasted estranged wife Courtney Love as &quot;b!itch with zits.&quot; The former Nirvana frontman killed himself via gunshot wound to the head in 1994. Just over two decades later, Etsy ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>These scientists raised bot fly larvae in their own bodies — on purpose</b><p>When humans are the lucky recipients of the baby bugs, they usually do anything they can to extract them before they&#39;re mature. People who don&#39;t know better will try to squeeze them out of the skin like zits, which makes for gross but fascinating videos.</p>

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