Saturday 10 January 2015

Acne: Setting the Record Straight

<b> - <a href=''>Help! I Have Blackheads</a></b><p>First, a little perspective on blackheads: Almost everybody has them at some point, and they&#39;re nothing serious. "Blackheads are super common," says Dr. Soheil Simzar, MD, a dermatologist in Southern California. "Some of us are more prone to them than&nbsp;...</p><B>Acne: Setting the Record Straight</b><p>Pimples come in a variety of forms, including whiteheads and blackheads, which are known as closed comedones and open comedones, respectively. Then there are papules (small, pink bumps), pustules (pimples with a red base and pus at the top) and&nbsp;...</p><B>Acne: Setting the Record Straight</b><p>Doctor Erika Summers a a dermatologist with University of Utah Health Care, answers questions about acne in an effort to set the record straight.</p>

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