Saturday 6 December 2014

Watch disgusting moment teen peels giant scab off his arm

<b> - <a href=''>9 Ways Thanksgiving Leftovers Can Make Your Skin (And Hair!) Look Better</a></b><p>If you don't want to consume any more Thanksgiving calories but feel bad tossing those leftovers, don't stress! Your favorite dinner staples can also be used as beauty treatments. We found 9 ways cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and, yes, even beer can improve your hair and skin. Check 'em out below. Related: 14 Beauty Products... Read more »</p><B>The Effects of Holiday Stress and Sugar on Your Skin</b><p>From friends and family to food and presents, the holidays are a fantastic time of year. But as great as all of those things are, with them come the inevitable monster of stress. Whether you&#39;re dealing with delayed flights, nagging in-laws or long lines for Black Friday sales, the holiday season can really wear on you. And all that stress can do some serious damage to your skin. Pimples can form ...</p><B>Watch d
isgusting moment teen peels giant scab off his arm</b><p>There are few things more satisfying that tearing off an itchy scab. So imagine how this teenager felt, slowly peeling away a giant strip of scab that stretched from his shoulder all the way down to his wrist.</p>

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