Thursday 25 December 2014

Kensington Salon and Spa,Swadlincote ordered to pay £3,600 after pool infected six teens with bug

<b> - <a href=''>Google Vs. Facebook: Who Wins, Who Loses?</a></b><p>If an investor wants to invest in companies that benefit from a shift of advertising dollars to the online space, the two big choices are obvious: Google and Facebook. How profitable will future countries be that are not yet online? Why is every ad in ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>Go away scars! Top treatments for clean skin</b><p>Although acne can be a chronic condition, even if it occurs only during adolescence, it can leave lifelong scars. Its treatment is usually long-term and costly. It is therefore important that acne is meticulously addressed when it appears for the first time.</p><B>Kensington Salon and Spa,Swadlincote ordered to pay £3,600 after pool infected six teens with bug</b><p>The group had visited the Kensington Salon and Spa in Swadlincote, Derbyshire for a birthday party when they contracted folliculitis, an infection which causes hair
follicles to swell into pus-filled pimples.</p>

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