Saturday 20 December 2014

Display of power, fear mongering have created a personality cult

<b> - <a href=''>Winter weather a trigger for cold sores</a></b><p>Cold sores are not merely pimples that spring up in and around the mouth. They&#39;re actually a type of herpes known as the herpes simplex virus-1, or HSV-1. This is a mild form of herpes that is a cousin to the more dangerous HSV-2. According to the ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>A Christmas ghost story by Alison Moore: A prodigal daughter has a breakthrough</b><p>Upstairs, Claire peels off her wet jumper. The rain has seeped through to the top she has on underneath, like damp through layers of wallpaper. Her bare forearms are stippled with goose pimples. Standing between the too-narrow walls of this house that ...</p><B>Display of power, fear mongering have created a personality cult</b><p>I started feeling goose pimples in my body when I saw the sitting President and his Deputy appearing on the steps of State House in uniform: white shirts, red ties, blac
k trousers and black shoes, complete with youthful swaggers and high fives. There ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p>

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