Saturday 13 December 2014

Boys soccer starts 2014

<b> - <a href=''>Local dentist steps up to help homeless man beaten in assault</a></b><p>That brings us to this week, as Daniel White heads to the dentist to start the process of getting a new set of teeth. &quot;He deserves a good smile to build his self confidence so he can find a job,&quot; said Sana Aburob. It will be a long process. Most of his ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>Flooded Roads Inspire South Florida Cities to Join Forces</b><p>Part of the road collapsed after Hurricane Sandy&#39;s infamous whiteheads eroded the beach, scooped out a seawall and even crushed ocean-side sidewalks so that, according to one reporter, they looked like toppled dominos. Two years later, construction&nbsp;...</p><B>Boys soccer starts 2014</b><p>-Photo by Ryan Kuhn/Daily IndependentBurroughs senior Austin White heads a ball against a Tehachapi player in the Burros&#39; 5-1 win. » Social News. By Ryan Kuhn SPORTS EDITOR rkuhn@ridgecres Posted Dec. 10, 2014 @ 12:01 am. Burroughs&nbsp;...</p>

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