Thursday 14 August 2014

Popular fashion blogger reveals what her snaps REALLY look like before she ...

<b> - <a href=''>Sorry, Pantene, you're holding women back too</a></b><p>Sorry, Pantene, you&#39;re holding women back too"If you&#39;re a modern female, unfortunately something&#39;s always broken: be thinner, sexier, more self-confident; stop dating creeps; get rid of those yucky zits; and put the pizzazz back in your relationship." What do we do when we want some pizzazz? We ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>This Fashion Blogger's Before/After Photoshop Pics Show Even Street Style Is a ...</b><p>This Fashion Blogger&#39;s Before/After Photoshop Pics Show Even Street Style Is a ..."I know it might only look like an inch or 2 removed from my waist, or a couple zits blurred here and there, but my stomach and my skin have been huge insecurities for me my entire life. So me revealing these images to you are a HUGE DEAL 4 ME &amp; not to ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>Popular fashion blogger reveals what her snaps REALLY loo
k like before she ...</b><p>&#39;But because I want to be as transparent with you as possible, I&#39;ve decided to expose the instances where I used Photoshop to distort and change my body. &#39;I know it might only look like an inch or 2 removed from my waist, or a couple zits blurred here ...</p>

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