Sunday 17 August 2014

18 Thoughts While Watching Clueless Again

<b> - <a href=''>Scrub and glow</a></b><p>New cells are formed on the surface of the skin on a regular process and old skin cells are removed through exfoliation to reveal a soft and fresh look. How often should exfoliation take place? Frequency This depends on your skin type. Those with sensitive skins should not exfoliate more than once a week and...  [Read More...]</p><B>Young women failing to look after their skin: Research</b><p>According to survey conducted by cosmetic company Astral Original, 24 percent women in their thirties take the time to moisturise their body daily, compared to women in their forties, fifties, and sixties, reports Also young women are missing out a crucial step of their skin care regime with over half of women in their thirties leaving their make-up on overnight, compared to ...</p><B>18 Thoughts While Watching Clueless Again</b><p>Staying in during the weekend for me means s
couring my hard drive for something to watch. I recently stumbled upon a copy of the '90s classic Clueless, and since last month was its 19 th anniversary, I thought it was the perfect time for a trip back to Cher's world. It's just as fresh as I remember. I finally got all the jokes and references I was too young to understand at the time, and found ...</p>

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