Wednesday 20 August 2014

Letter: Lima schools officials dividing city

<b> - <a href=''>19 Gluten</a></b><p>-Gluten has become the ultimate scapegoat, blamed for everything from fat to fatigue, from arthritis to zits. According to a market study, 22 percent of the population thinks gluten is bad for you; gluten-free for a lot of people is just the latest diet ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>What Eating These 5 Foods Every Day Will Do for You</b><p>Moreover, the fiber contained in berries helps to eradicate harmful toxins out of the body before they cause skin disorders such as acne and zits. So, be sure to include at least one serving of fresh citrus and berries daily to achieve gorgeous skin. 2 ...</p><B>Letter: Lima schools officials dividing city</b><p>Ackerman reminds me of Jeremy Duncan&#39;s mother, Connie, in the Zits comic strip this past Sunday handing out trophies for mediocre performances. I fear Ackerman and Williams have stacked their personal pride on the name change and would rath
er see&nbsp;...</p>

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