Friday 26 September 2014

Solve your skin complaints

<b> - <a href=''>Adult Acne: Five Steps to Clear and Beautiful Skin</a></b><p>On September 22, 2014, Women's Health Magazine offered its online readers a five-step plan for treating adult acne. Dr. Simon Ourian of Epione Medical Corporation comments on the report and offers his suggestions for women suffering from adult-onset acne. (PRWeb September 26, 2014) Read the full story at</p><B>Tackle a sudden breakout</b><p>Contrary to popular belief, breakouts have nothing to do with what you put on your skin. Stress, inadequate sleep, bingeing on greasy food, clogged pores, blackheads, sebaceous filaments are some of the common reasons that cause breakouts. Here are a&nbsp;...</p><B>Solve your skin complaints</b><p>Clay masks are good for decongesting skin and work to help stop many kinds of spots forming, even blackheads (although obviously not acne), and vitamin A is als
o beneficial for problem skin. On top of that taking an Omega 3 supplement might help, as it&nbsp;...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p>

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