Monday 22 September 2014

Let the authority deal with acne

<b> - <a href=''>Tai Home Spa Introduces Aveda Skin Care</a></b><p>For those wishing to have the ultimate cleansing facial, extraction is included to remove impurities, white heads and blackheads," Bhattarai added. As part of its introduction of Aveda, Tai Home Spa guests can enjoy a 15 percent discount on Aveda ...</p><B>Skincare 101</b><p>"There's no such thing as sensitive skin," says dermatologist Dr. Karen Lipana during a recently held media roundtable discussion regarding the importance of having a skincare routine. She continues, "The more correct term is weak skin and it means you are more prone to dryness, eczema, or irritation. Usually, having a weak skin is based […]</p><B>Let the authority deal with acne</b><p>Many sufferers consider acne as a nuisance and yet admittedly regard it as part of growing up. Most people also believe that acne naturally comes and eventually goes without the need for treatme
nt. Dr. Joy Gonzales-Mongcal, owner and head dermatologist of SkinTrends, disagrees. She explains that acne, when treated improperly or simply allowed to "run […]</p>

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