Saturday 31 May 2014

Some melanomas present as harmless

<b> - <a href=''>Those pimples could be fungal infection</a></b><p>So I put the rash type pimples down to an allergy from where ever I had been. But a week later the pimples were now seeping (letting out a clear sticky liquid that crystalises when it dries) and my whole chin was turning black — literally. As usual I ...</p><B>6 Homemade Remedies to Fight Breakouts and Acne</b><p>Summer&#39;s is full rage these days and with the heat, skin problems such as acne, pimples and zits also increase. Unfortunately, in the rat race of urban India, you cannot keep sitting at home idle. One has no option but to travel no matter how punishing ...</p><B>Some melanomas present as harmless</b><p>-Researchers in Australia are cautioning about an aggressive form of melanoma that looks like a pimple, leading many doctors to dismiss it as harmless. According to the study, led by associate professor John Kelly, M.D., of the Victorian Melanoma
...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p>

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