Wednesday 4 June 2014

The Woman on the Waterfront

<b> - <a href=''>New Williams Co. Store &amp; Deli owners already feel embraced by community</a></b><p>The Whiteheads purchased The Williams Company Store &amp; Deli in Ottertail from longtime owner Pam Williams earlier this year. They reopened the store for the rest of the year on April 1 and have set up a grand reopening event for June 14. "We always ...</p><B>ALL CHANGE AT THE BSB</b><p>... Jacob Rusling and Sophia White, heads from the drama department, Mark Bannister, head of humanities, Carl Morris, head of psychology, Jayne Baker, head of business and economics, Vicki Sherman, head of modern foreign languages, Sukhvinder Raju,&nbsp;...</p><B>The Woman on the Waterfront</b><p>This artist regularly makes monumental, elongated, white heads of girls. (Elongated, they&#39;re more like pure light, Plensa told me.) He works exclusively with girls between 8 and 14 years old, because &quot;Women are the future,&quot; he told
me. Young girls ...</p>

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