Monday 14 April 2014

Sutton Foster is 'Violet' on Broadway

<b> - <a href=''>Local teen pours heart out through her music</a></b><p>All I could see were the zits and blackheads and the cysts, it was to a degree I wasn&#39;t even sure I could look like myself again.&quot; Utilizing such actors as Mike Murdock, Sher-shi Hussein Elmore, Donta Wade, and AJ Clarke, the video was shot last summer ...</p><B>The Whole You: Is Photoshop an unnecessary evil?</b><p>Computer software can remove zits, trim down unwanted love handles and even create a "thigh gap." This is what Photoshop is all about. The purpose of Photoshop is to make the ad or person seem more appealing. If the model looks like that, then the&nbsp;...</p><B>Sutton Foster is 'Violet' on Broadway</b><p>Sutton Foster is &#39;Violet&#39; on Broadway-&quot;If I&#39;ve got ginormous zits on my face or if I&#39;m splotchy, if I&#39;m red, if I&#39;m tired, I&#39;m just like, &#39;Here I am.&#39; &quot; Clad in a T-shirt and
jeans a few hours before a preview performance, Foster is a fresh-faced natural beauty who regularly appears in ...and more&nbsp;&raquo;</p>

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